You never forget your first time, and yet more Twitter links
Remember when you were young and full of innocence? You know, about a thousand tweets ago?
If you'd like to recapture that special first time, check out MyTweet16, which will show the first 16 tweets of any person you care to stalk investigate learn about. You know, how they tweeted "back in the day." Sometime in September or October, most likely (Twitter has grown that fast).
The open API that Twitter runs on is sparking lots of innovation and reinvention, always a good thing with new media. Everyone can get their hands on a piece of the Twitter experience. Here are some more Twitter tweaks:
FriendorFollow - Who are you following? Who is following you? This service helps you manage the reciprocity of your Twitter follows/followers from three easy-to-understand windows. Worth a look every so often to keep your Twitterverse in balance.
Mr. Tweet - your Twitter valet service. Follow Mr. Tweet (for some reason I can't stop thinking about Homer Simpson as "Mr. Plow") and Mr. Tweet will suggest people who should be in your network.
Twitbacks - free custom Twitter background themes. (or you could go old school and wrangle the pixels yourself; I suggest creating an image 2048 pixels wide by 1707 pixels high at 72 ppi; save out the finished art as a .jpg. And please, make it pretty).
Also, very much worth a read: Why I love Twitter, by Tim O'Reilly (yes, THAT O'Reilly).
Thanks to Kevin Dugan at Strategic Public Relations for some of these links.
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