David Kamerer: April 2009 Archives
Fifty years ago today, Miles Davis completed the album "Kind of Blue." It's my favorite recording of all time, and also the best selling jazz record in history. While this post is off-topic, I just wanted to share this short documentary on the album, below.
If you don't own "Kind of Blue," go buy it. And then really give it a listen. It's not music that just fits into the cracks of your life. It deserves your full attention.
If you'd like to know more about "Kind of Blue," I highly recommend the book on it by Ashley Kahn.
Great visual directory of online collaboration tools: Robin Good's Collaborative Map (thanks, Bobby Rozzell)
Look at what Google Labs has cooked up now: Google News Timeline
Become a lean, mean, Tweetin' machine with iGoogle, from Micropersuasion
Look at what Google Labs has cooked up now: Google News Timeline
Become a lean, mean, Tweetin' machine with iGoogle, from Micropersuasion