social media: December 2008 Archives

spector.jpgYou know Christmas is coming when your friends start sending you the latest Elf Yourself electronic greetings. According to a post at, this viral has been seen by 193 million visitors. Brilliant, lean in branding for Office Max, and for the cost of one TV commercial. Nice podcast about the campaign, too. 

Here are some more fun virals:

Naughty or Nice? Courtesy of the Greteman Group, a branding agency in Wichita, Kansas.

Simon Sez Santa does your bidding from keyboard commands.

Celebrity Gingerbread, Law and Order edition, from last season, at Instructions for making ginger cookie versions of some of Hollywood's fallen heroes (Phil Spector pictured, without gun). Delicious!

Sephora's Mistletoe Makeover. Upload a photo of yourself and play with cosmetics. What favors you most? Is it "Smoky Sugar Plum," "Merry Berry," "Santa's Little Temptress," or "O, Tannen-Babe?"

Added on 12/17:

Ace your Face, from Ace Hardware.

Holiday Party Excuse Generator, from Enlighten, an ad agency in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Don't tell the kids! For a modest fee, Capture the Magic will photoshop Santa into your living room for evidence of his visit. Ho, ho, ho!

Added on 12/22:

BannerBlog has archived 123 agency e-greetings from 2008. No trees were killed, just lots of hours of Flash development.

If you've found a good holiday viral, let me know. And happy holidays!

I've posted a great deal about Twitter on this blog lately, but I do have a good reason: my students are doing a research study on how companies use Twitter to communicate with their customers. These links are to help them find their way through the front part of their paper assignment. So here's another batch:

Niall Cook writes about good Twitter practice for corporations at The Customer Collective.

A very useful study on Twitter from H-P Labs, Social networks that matter: Twitter under the Microscope, with useful annotations from Jeremiah Owyang at Web Strategy by Jeremiah.

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Follow me @DavidKamerer

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