web culture: March 2009 Archives

My favorite store is having a sale this week, but you wouldn't know it by looking at its web site.  

That's because the site just sits there. It's little more than a business card with some pretty pictures. The site isn't updated because it's a hassle to do it. If the job requires a web designer, complex software and an arcane process called FTP to send information to a server, it's too complicated to do regularly. 

But it doesn't have to be that way. A new kind of web site - a content management system, or CMS - makes it easy to administer from a secure dashboard. And when it's easy, you'll update it when you're having a sale. A CMS can be expensive, as a custom-designed and programmed site might be. Or it can be free, if you use an off-the-shelf or open source tool. Many companies use blogging platforms such as WordPress or Movable Type as their CMS. If you need more power or control, there are open-source tools like Joomla or Drupal. When you choose one of these, you gain support from communities of experts who provide free programming modules or visual themes.
More self-publishing: "6 ways to publish your own book," by Shevonne Polastre, on Mashable

Conversations you should join: "10 rules of marketing on user review sites," by Todd Defren, on PR Squared

Short, sweet, and true: "Personal branding in the age of Google," by Seth Godin

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