Social Media at adolescence from David Kamerer
Corruption of digital discourse (slide deck)
Corruption of digital discourse: what you need to know, why you should care from David Kamerer
YouTube as a community (Michael Wesch presentation)
It’s easy to think about a channel only in the way that you use it for yourself. That’s why I’m sharing this video presentation by Kansas State University anthropology professor Michael Wesch. He eloquently presents YouTube as a social community (or perhaps more accurately, a bunch of overlapping communities). If you just use YouTube as […]
Improve your digital listening skills
Of all the benefits of social media for business, the greatest come from listening. Consider this: you can listen unobtrusively – no one needs to know you’re paying attention. You don’t even need to sign up for accounts to listen. This is a great place for the socially-shy business to dip its toes into social […]
Three trends for today
Name your own price Radiohead did it with their album In Rainbows; Louis CK did it with his Live at the Beacon performance video, and now Panera is experimenting with the model in its CSR initiative, Panera Cares. If you let your customers name their own price, will they pay? What principles govern this model? […]
PRSA International Conference – downloads
Here are some files I’m sharing at the PRSA International Conference: Analytics and campaign development – Analytics and campaign development Research summary – PDF; PR at the micro level summary Teaching poster – PDF; media relations for the digital age Detailed notes – PDF; creating the digital press release
GrubWith.Us: meet up with new friends over food and drinks
OK, I admit it. I was anxious beforehand. I had signed up to share a meal at The Girl and the Goat, a hot restaurant in Chicago’s west loop. The meal was coordinated by GrubWith.Us, a “social dining” site whose motto is “never eat alone.” I was there in part for the food (it’s hard […]
The digital singularity
Technologists have long talked about the “singularity,” the day when the machines can outthink us and surpass human intelligence. That day is a long way off. But we have reached another kind of singularity. In this event, our expectation is that the information we seek will be digital and easily available on demand. In the […]
Meet Flipboard, your “social magazine”
Flipboard is an iPad app that lets you create a “social magazine” from your Facebook and Twitter accounts and other Internet sources. It’s as close as I’ve seen to a “Daily Me,” the personalized news source that futurists have been predicting since the dawn of the Internet. Flipboard creates an appealing and intuitive interface for […]
Emergency communications out of Egypt
Two years ago in Iran, and now in Egypt, digital communications have helped level oppression and censorship. You would think that blocking the Internet in an entire nation would silence people, but, like water seeking its own level, small leaks have turned into rivulets and have flowed back to the world at large. And we […]