As a public relations professional, I’m always thinking about relationships. That’s my stock in trade. But for most of the world, it’s money that does the talking. You gotta have that do-re-mi. Of course, smart businesses build relationships and make money. I was reminded of this the other day, when I attempted to return something […]
Obama iPhone app engages, organizes voters
The book I’m looking forward to reading will detail how the Barack Obama campaign was built in large part with expert use of social media. I attended an Obama event last winter, and have been impressed with the almost daily updates on how I can participate in his campaign for President. Now the campaign has […]
Technorati State of the Blogosphere / 2008
Here’s a useful report on blogging as it exists in 2008, courtesy of Technorati. And while you’re at it, would you please “Favorite” my blog?
Formatted print documents are at home online – with Issuu
Get your own – Open publication Here’s a nice way to give life to formatted print documents online. Upload your PDF file to Issuu, and it becomes part of a social media sharing site with other print-based documents. The Issuu viewer preserves some of the modalities of print while delivering content online. Great for the […]
Links for 10-1-2008: all-Twitter edition
Generate a local Twitter feed at 10 Twitter hacks at Strategic Public Relations 50 ideas for using Twitter for business at follow me @davidkamerer
Create word clouds at
Here’s a word cloud created by the fun web site To create your cloud, provide a URL or dump some text into a window. Then you can control type, colors and arrangement. That’s five minutes you’ll never see again!
Links for 9-19-2008
from ChrisBrogan.comHow hard is your website working for you? Ways to define authority from (PR 2.0)The socialization of your personal brand From Wall Street Journal:College applicants beware: your Facebook page is showing
Some time for friends, some time to be alone
Of course I’m interested in Twitter. So I signed up for an account, found some friends, and started watching … and tweeting. But the thing is, I really have nothing to say. I’m happy to share my life with my friends, but reluctant to share it with the world. My interest in Twitter stems from […]
Frontiers of social media: You suck at Photoshop
This morning on Weekend Edition, Scott Simon interviewed Troy Hitch of the Big Fat Institute about the viral campaign, “You suck at Photoshop.” Listen to the interview, then view the first episode from season one. I found it hilarious and beautifully written and produced. Finally, online rich media feels like it belongs online. This wouldn’t […]
An online relationship is a real relationship
That’s a basic principle of social media. You can have a relationship with someone and never meet them face-to-face. But there’s nothing like real conversation! Here’s a photo of a “Tweetup” I attended this week at Panera in College Hill in east Wichita. While there was almost no talk of Twitter, there was wide-ranging discussion […]