Here are some files I’m sharing at the PRSA International Conference: Analytics and campaign development – Analytics and campaign development Research summary – PDF; PR at the micro level summary Teaching poster – PDF; media relations for the digital age Detailed notes – PDF; creating the digital press release
Location-based services about to blossom
So what’s hot in social media today? Location, location, location! That’s right, location-based services appear to be gaining critical mass. This trend is driven by the proliferation of handsets with built-in GPS receivers, including the iPhone, Android devices such as the Droid, and the BlackBerry, as well as the proliferation of social networks. I often […]
Twitter: ultimate focus group or just a bunch of bullies?
Tropicana is abandoning its new-look packaging after receiving criticism from consumers on Twitter and other social media channels. Flash mobs are increasingly part of the modern life, whether it’s baby-wearing mothers who are angry at Motrin, or Facebook users upset with a change in their terms of service. But do flash mobs constitute legitimate research? […]
Career advice via crowdsourcing
Attention public relations/marketing/IMC students: Here’s a click that’s worth your time. Brad J. Ward of Butler University asked his Twitter followers the question above. Here are the answers that came back. It’s a lovely mosaic of truly useful information. This kind of search is possible through the Twitter hashtag, which is frequently used for live […]